About OSNA

OSNA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving a sense of community by sponsoring group activities and providing members with the information, tools and administrative support necessary to address important local issues.

You can contact us at StratfordNeighbors@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Public SaveStratford.org Meeting TONIGHT, June 23rd at 6:30pm

From SaveStratford.org:

By now you have heard or read the stories in the local newspapers regarding the illegal excavation of toxic Raymark waste on East Main Street and the potential exposure of an entire 1st grade class from Wilcoxson elementary school to airborne toxic materials. Click here to read the story.

The fact that this incident even happened and the fact that the Town of Stratford did not notify the surrounding community or Wilcoxson Elementary School until four to five days after this took place (long after the 1st grade field trip that walked within yards of the excavation) is simply unacceptable.

Please join SaveStratford at the upcoming public meeting this Tuesday evening (June 23rd) at 6:30pm at the Birdseye Municipal Complex (468 Birdseye Street, Room 110) to tell the EPA, State DEP and our Mayor that they need to provide Stratford with a fully funded comprehensive clean-up plan that removes a significant amount of the Toxic Raymark Waste from our town.

It's time to demand a better plan for Stratford. We need many voices in order to get the attention of decision makers - your voice will make a difference.

The Members of SaveStratford.org

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Congrats, Class of '09!

By coincidence (we suppose), the ol' neighborhood has a surfeit of vintage 1991 babies who are no longer babies. Oh, baby! And now they're graduating from high school and about to leave home in just a few short weeks. Oh, yes — and they're all boys (must have been something in the water)! What will we do without them?
The new graduates include (but are not limited to):
Paolo Perez (above, left) of the Elm Street (and East Broadway) Perezes. The oldest of three brothers, this talented Stratford High grad is headed off to Hofstra University.
Joe Rooney of the Shore Drive Rooneys, also the oldest of three brothers (and one sister). This Notre Dame/Fairfield grad is following in the footsteps of his father, attorney Chris, by enrolling in the University of Virginia.
Chris Monk (at left, above right) of the Elm Street ("leaning house") Bingham-Monks. The oldest of one boy, Chris just graduated from Fairfield Prep, and like his BFF Joe Rooney (actually, they're all BFFs) is heading down to the heart of the Confederacy to study international business at the University of South Carolina.
Nick Vazquez (at right, above right) of Birdseye Street (okay, technically not in "Old Stratford," but close enough) is about to graduate from Stratford High and, like these boys' former St. James basketball teammate Drew Massey of Lordship, will enroll at UConn/Storrs in the fall.
Congrats one and all — we'll miss you!