About OSNA

OSNA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving a sense of community by sponsoring group activities and providing members with the information, tools and administrative support necessary to address important local issues.

You can contact us at StratfordNeighbors@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Christ Church To Celebrate

Last year Christ Church — the parish — turned 300, making it the oldest Episcopal church in the diocese of Connecticut. This Saturday Christ Church — the building — turns 150. To celebrate, the church will host a special 5 p.m. service led by Bishop James Curry to rededicate the church building. (Remember: This is SATURDAY.) For the liturgically minded, there will be prayers from the 1789 Book of Common Prayer and a number of 19th-century hymns. Following the service there will be a dinner in the adjoining Parish House for the low, low, low price of $15 per person. They're still taking reservations; call 375-4447.

Christ Church has been a steadfast friend to OSNA and the neighborhood for many years, so please do come out to help Father Bob and many of your neighbors celebrate this important milestone in the life of the neighborhood.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stratford Residents Left Without Facts

The Connecticut Post reported: The suspension and demotion of Stratford Police Union President Joseph McNeil doesn't answer any of Stratford residents' questions in the sorry case of information leaked from the personal file of a candidate for employment in the town's police department. As is often the case with government matters carried out secretly, the people of Stratford are left with a finding of "guilty" from Chief Administrative Officer Suzanne McCauley and continued protestations of "innocent" from McNeil and union leadership.

To read the full article, go to: http://www.connpost.com/ci_10787253

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Belles of the Ball

The Perry House Foundation staged a fabuloso Harvest Ball Saturday night at the (truly unrecognizable, if only for a few hours) Baldwin Center. Ambrosia and adult elixers were divine, natch, and a live and silent auction raised mucho dinero for everyone's fave oldest house. OSNA member Faye Gerarden and Veep Ann Lindsay Jackson were the tireless organizers who made the evening unforgettable.

Neighborhood beauties in their finery (clockwise from upper left): Nancy Monk, the aforementioned Ann Lindsay Jackson, Berta Prevosti, Alicia Sraguada and Susan Wright Rooney.

Crime and Punishment

Most of us go to sleep at night feeling pretty safe and secure in our neighborhood. But no neighborhood is completely safe. Below is OSNA officer Paul Joy's account of an incident that took place last Friday evening (10/17) of which we should all be aware:

Last evening I returned home at 9 pm and went inside my house. As usual, I always look around on the way in, but didn't notice anything odd. I went back to my truck a few minutes later and noticed a bike laying in the grass in front of Rick Herschners' house. Rick is frequently away and it was odd to see a bike laying there when it was not 5 minutes earlier.

I phoned the police because something told me there was an issue with this. While waiting for them to arrive, a person came out of the bushes from the far side of the house (not the driveway side) and when question, he gave me some stupid answers and got on the bike and left. When riding away, he gave out a couple of loud whistles and kept moving.

When the police officer arrived, I gave a full report and description of the guy to him, and he said they'd check out the house. The single officer came out from the back of the house and immediately called for 'back-up', enlisting the aid of 3 other officers who showed up within seconds (it took two phone calls and a half hour for the first officer to arrive) They all started going over the outside of the house as well as each window and door looking for any entry. The back door was ajar but chained from the inside. They surmised that no one could have entered and said they'd patrol extra in the neighborhood that evening.

They left and I proceeded to leave a few minutes later to go to my store. When I turned on Elm Street, all the police cars were in front of the Slater's house and I could see flashlights inside. The same bike was out front of the house and no one was around. I waited to talk to the officers to identify the bike, when Mike Bingham arrived. The officers came out front and we saw them coming from around the corner with a guy matching the description I gave them, sans hat and coat (he must have ditched them to look different).

I identified him as the guy, they questioned him and closed up the house and left with him in the police car. Nothing appeared to have been stolen, but the cops suggested he may not have been alone and when he was whistling leaving Herschners' he may have been signaling to others.

Point of the e-mail: we have several empty houses in the neighborhood, and some people are not always home, leaving their houses dark. As a community group. I think it prudent to identify these houses and make sure we (meaning an immediate neighbor) have emergency numbers for these people. Lock up your cars at night and securely lock your houses and look for odd or suspicious activity.

With the economy growing worse and money so hard to hold onto, this may be a good time to have OSNA sponsor a community watch/awareness night. But regardless, pass this along and tell your friends and neighbors to 'lock it up'. I'm sure the police dept would help sponsor this.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Scrumptious Supper

If you see some of your neighbors waddling around the streets tonight, don't be alarmed: they're just stuffed from tonight's OSNA potluck supper! A great time was had by all, and the food was scrumptious all around. From pot roast, to deviled eggs, and from chicken wings to lentil salad, everything was delicious. A big thank you to all who joined in the fun -- we're already saving room for next year's feast! An extra special thank you to Christ Church for kindly allowing us the use of their space.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not Pot — PotLUCK

Join old friends and make new ones at Sunday's annual OSNA Fall Potluck Supper! It's 4 to 6:30 p.m. at good old Christ Church, 2000 Main Street (enter in rear of parish hall). Bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert and wow your neighbors with special family recipe. There will be prizes for best dish in each category. New neighbors are ESPECIALLY welcome! It's free to OSNA and just $10 per family for non-members (But everyone should be a member — it costs just $20 per family per year to belong. Such a deal! RSVP to Amanda Loban at StratfordNeighbors@gmail.com or call 345-9836.

Party Like It's 1929