About OSNA

OSNA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving a sense of community by sponsoring group activities and providing members with the information, tools and administrative support necessary to address important local issues.

You can contact us at StratfordNeighbors@gmail.com

Thursday, December 4, 2008

OSNA organizes Crime Watch for the Historic District

Stratford Crime Watch President Jack Cratty and Officer Bobby Ramos - Police Department Liasion will hold a Crime Watch organizational meeting hosted by OSNA Tuesday, December 9 at 8:00PM at Christ Church on Main Street.

I attended the Crime Watch meeting at the police station last night and the buzz was all about the recent rash of crime in our neighborhood. Since the early part of October there have neen several break-in, numerous reports of strange persons trespassing at night in peoples yards, cars broken into, etc. Even last night a car was broken into at the Milford Bank parking lot, clearly visible only about 15 feet from Main Street!

Please, tell your neighbors and friends to attend this meeting (lock your house and car when you come!). A safe neighborhood won't happen unless we're all involved. If you are unable to attend but would like more information on this issue, please email me. We will be compiling a phone list for a calling tree and an email list for additional up to date info.

Crime Watch says:
Remember: Our recommendation to all citizens who see a crime in progress or notice suspicious activity is to observe and report from a place of safety. We strongly suggest that you not confront an offender unless you are in immediate danger. This applies to you and your neighbors. We do not want anyone to get hurt or injured trying to apprehend an offender or interfering with an incident other than to report the activity to the police. If you or your neighbors witness a crime in progress call 911 (emergency) or if suspicious or unusual behavior is observed, 385-4100 (non-emergency).


PCSperling said...

Paul ~

Thank you for the update and information. Can you advise whether this "organizational meeting" is solely for the Academy Hill district or whether other neighborhood residents should attend to organize watches for their specific neighborhoods as well?

I believe you have my e-mail (I e-mailed you yesterday) so whatever information you can provide to me would be appreciated.

Old Stratford Neighborhood Association said...

Good question, I hadn't thought of specific areas. I was assuming our membership would come forward to volunteer for Block Captains, specific to their area. How far out from the Academy Hill area this goes is up to the neighbors in attendance. Crime Watch will address any areas of concern, however our requested areas from Crime Watch were not specific to one area (although we're not organizing the entire Town!).