About OSNA

OSNA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving a sense of community by sponsoring group activities and providing members with the information, tools and administrative support necessary to address important local issues.

You can contact us at StratfordNeighbors@gmail.com

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mayor Harkins Addresses Historic District

Despite a driving rain, historic district residents came out to a town-hall-style meeting with Mayor John Harkins on Thursday night. Mayor Harkins spoke with the group for over an hour, addressing both local and town-wide concerns, such as commuter parking, Stratford Center revitalization, Shakespeare Theater, AVCO, Long Beach West and, perhaps most importantly, Harkins' long-term vision for Stratford.

The Mayor stressed a need for "looking forward," restoring optimism and working together as citizens of a great community. He noted there were many challenges ahead, but the focus now is on solutions, not problems. Despite a severe shortage of funding, the Mayor is optimistic about the changes that will be taking place in Stratford with the support and helping hands of all its citizens.

OSNA wishes to extend warm thanks to both Mayor Harkins and Christ Church for an informative evening.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Meet the Mayor at OSNA Business Meeting, February 25

OSNA proudly presents and opportunity to meet and participate in an open question and answer dialog with newly appointed MAYOR JOHN HARKINS at our annual business meeting.

Christ Episcopal Church Parish Hall
2000 Main Street
Thursday, February 25
7 pm

Neighbors, take advantage of this opportunity to welcome Mayor Harkins and to firmly present the benefits to him and the town of being a strong advocate of our neighborhood.

Speak personally and directly to the mayor about issues that concern you:
  • Shakespeare Theater Development
  • Downtown and Commuter Parking
  • Hard's Corner
  • Historic District Definition and boundaries
What do YOU care about the most?

Through strong neighborhood attendance and participation we can show Mayor Harkins we're an active dynamic organization which cares deeply about our community!

Coffee and refreshments will be served.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Remaking Stratford Center?

The town has scheduled a public workshop for 7 p.m. TODAY at the Baldwin Center to begin the development of a feasibility study to assess the potential for village-type development near the train station.

The town last year received a $50,000 grant to commission a study of the feasibility of creating a Transit-Centered Development (TCD) in Stratford Center. TCDs generally are mixed-used developments within walking distance of train stations. Developments typically include high-density residential uses, commercial services and limited offices uses, with an emphasis on pedestrian and and bicycle connections, and limited automobile use.

Creating villages around train stations enables people to live in one community (e.g., Stratford) and access employment opportunities in another community along the fixed-rail system (e.g., Stamford or NYC).

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, only 25% of Stratford's employed population actually works in Stratford. Also, the mean average commute time for Stratforders grew from 23.5 minutes in 2000 to 27.8 minutes between 2006 and 2008.

Allow me to emphasize that this is a STUDY -- no one is building anything in Stratford Center. However, if you are interested in learning more about a future that MIGHT be, please come to the Baldwin Center tonight at 7 to learn more about this idea. The estimable Dave Killeen (203-385-4017) is the town's point person on this project.

Let me add that while your humble correspondent sits on the TCD Steering Committee as a representative of a "stakeholder" group (OSNA), I have expressed neither support nor opposition to this type of hypothetical development. However, your input would be most welcome as OSNA monitors issues and developments of importance and interest to our neighborhood.

Yr. obedient servant,
Michael Bingham